Welcome 2021!

Like most people, I breathed a sigh of relief as the clock struck midnight. The New Year was welcomed with gusto! I was ready to close this chapter and raise a glass of bubbly to 2021.

Lola Palmer Blog Lifestyle Welcome 2021
Photo by Becky Fantham on Unsplash

The year that proved to be the most challenging started with a bang. January is usually quiet and slow for me. But the beginning of 2020 was hectic. Then Covid happened and all work came to a standstill. The uncertainty brought along anxiety and confusion. An unprecedented change to our daily lives was something we had to deal with whether we liked it or not.

It is amazing how resilient we are when faced with adversity.  

Amidst all the upheaval I looked at the positive side of things. As the world was thrust into lockdown I began to appreciate the stillness. Nature seemed to come alive. I enjoyed afternoon walks in the countryside once again. Now aware of how hectic life had become, I was happy for a break from the norm. The simple things in life like baking and cooking from scratch became the order of the day. Online courses that I had put on the back burner were completed. Books that I had been meaning to read were picked up once again. I gladly reconnected with old friends via zoom. And tried to make the most of these strange times not knowing how long this would last.

Through it all, I learnt that you don’t have to be ‘busy’ all the time. It’s OK to feel a little uncertain or scared even. Most importantly I felt grateful for having a roof over my head and the basics. When so many people were struggling it was heart-warming to see communities come together to help out.

Lessons Learnt

Looking back to look forward one lesson I will bring with me into 2021 is to take nothing for granted. Enjoy the little things in life and savour every moment. Appreciate the people that choose to spend their time with you. With everyone being physically cut off online communities proved to be brilliant support systems when you are feeling a little low. Lots of online creators and bloggers reached out to their followers to let them know that their inbox is always open. A little message or compliment can turn someone’s day around. It costs nothing to be nice!

Establish Goals

Without putting any pressure on myself, I always like to establish some goals at the beginning of the year. If I don’t get there it doesn’t matter – that happened for a reason. This year I’ll be focusing on the small goals. No big fitness goals, just to feel healthy and do a gentle workout every day. Meal prep more and eat nutritious meals. Keep a healthy mindset and take time out for self-care.


I love planning and writing lists. Try as I might to do everything online using different apps nothing seemed to work. I always felt like I was in a mess since I stopped using my Filofax. At the end of December, I decided to look into the “Bullet Journal” method. The whole idea behind the system seemed to resonate with me. I watched the creator Ryder Carroll’s YouTube video explaining the system and I decided to give it a go. I’m excited to delve deeper and learn more from the community.

Books, books and more books…. 

Books used to be such a big part of my life. I don’t remember when and how I stopped reading like I used to. But this is the year I will be spending more time reading. I am aiming for one book a month, plus an audiobook on self-development. To keep track I’ve joined Goodreads, which I find is excellent! There are so many great authors out there I hate to be missing out!

Giving Back 

The past year gave me time to reflect on my daily choices and how they can impact the world around us. One conscience change is to support small businesses especially when it comes to buying gifts. Choosing services and goods from social enterprises or businesses that support charities is another step I’ll be taking. And most importantly reducing plastic and living in a more sustainably.


Generally, I start the year with a couple of destinations on my bucket list but not this year. So I might as well be a tourist right here. I’ll be taking time out to explore places I’ve never been to and do all the touristy things once the weather picks up. Hopefully, I’ll get some good snapshots to share too!

There is nothing like to new year to wipe the slate clean or even make some stubble changes that you have been meaning to do for a while. Whatever your goals or intentions are I hope you do well!

I would love to hear from you! What you have planned for this year? Are there any thoughts you would like to share?

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