Easy Workouts You Can Do Indoors

Finding alternative ways to keep fit has been on the top of radar for most of us in the past couple of months.

Lola Palmer Blog Lifestyle Easy Workouts You Can Do Indoors

I have been working out at home (or in a Hotel room) for ages. This was mainly due to travelling or not being able to find class times that suited my schedule. More recently that combined with the fact that we were in lockdown and working from home, I put myself to the task of finding creative ways to workout at home without getting bored.  

Another thing I found tricky was finding the right time to work out. With my schedule now quite flexible something that was normally a chore kind of turned into a treat. For my daily workout I could now choose between a nice relaxing yoga session in the evening,  a short energetic workout mid-day or a walking routine when I spent too much time sitting down.  

A well-known fact is that exercise creates ‘a feel good factor’. The connection between improved mental health and exercise is well discussed. Even a simple walk in the fresh air makes you feel refreshed and less stressed when times are tough. 

A  number of fitness youtubers came to the rescue during Covid times upping their channels to provide workouts for any fitness level, that can be done from the comfort of your home. 

Here’s a roundup of some of my favourites. 

Low Impact

Yoga & Stretching

Do you prefer a low impact or somewhat more intense workout? Do let us know.

If you have any workout tips please do share in the comment box below. Keep well!

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