New Beginnings: 5 Steps To Set You Up For An Amazing Year

Lola-Palmer Blog Lifestyle New Beginnings 5 Steps To Set You Up For An Amazing Year
Photo by Michael Tomlinson on Unsplash

Whilst I am not a great fan of setting New Year Resolutions, I do like review my past year and plan for any areas in my journey that I would like to improve upon. In this post I am sharing some of the steps I take to prepare for this fresh start. Using these simple tools is a terrific way to set you off in the right direction. Are you ready for a new beginning?

List at least three of your highlights and some of the major disappointments in the last 12 months. Were there any priorities that shifted? Was there anything you did not manage to go through with? It would help to go through your diary or camera roll to jog your memory and get as specific as possible. Accept what did not work out and be ready to move on.

Show gratitude for the good that came out of last year. Be ready to let go of what did not serve, to make way for your new intentions. Research shows that practicing genuine gratitude has an array of benefits. It is proven to increase happiness, well-being and build stronger relationships.

“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.”

William Shakespeare

Look at different areas in your life that you would like to enhance. It could be improving your work – life balance, learning a new skill or putting together a minimalist wardrobe. It could be even something of a grander scale like experiencing a new culture for some months or going on that trip of a lifetime. Take note of what you like to achieve.

A vision board is an excellent tool for manifesting. It helps to further gain clarity on the intentions you set out in the previous step. With your list of intentions you can now set about creating your vision board. Gather images related to your intentions, these can be cutouts from magazine or digital images you find on the web. Pinterest is an excellent tool for this. Get creative by placing all the images into a document or on a board. Once this is done place the board somewhere prominent such on your desktop, phone or work area.

Now is the time to develop new habits. What will it take to accomplish your new goals? Here’s where you make an actionable plan and list all the minute steps it will take to get you there. Breaking everything down into small manageable tasks ensures a better chance at achieving the end result.

January is the perfect time to ease yourself into new habits. It is also a great time to set a new routine or practice.

Have you set any intentions you would like to share? Let us know in the comments below.

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